最後更新時間: 2023-10-09
男團 The Boyz(더보이즈)時隔3年半發行第二張正規專輯回歸樂壇!這次他們帶著正規專輯《PHANTASY》回歸,這次他們的主打曲是 Lip Gloss。一起看看 The Boyz – Lip Gloss 歌詞翻譯和空耳吧!
The Boyz – Lip Gloss MV
The Boyz – Lip Gloss 歌詞翻譯+空耳
Lip gloss, lip gloss
I want to taste your lip gloss
Plumping candy, you make it pop
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Don’t stop
멈추지 말아 줘 지금 이 떨림을 請不要停止 現在這份悸動
meom-chu-ji mar-a jwo ji-geum i tteol-lim-eul
Drip, drop
짜릿한 이 느낌 good, ah (Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh) 這刺激的感覺 Good, ah (Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)
jja-rit-han i neu-kkim good, ah (Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)
Can’t stop
빠져들어 더 본능에 맡긴 채 越陷越深 憑著本能
ppa-jyeo-deu-reo deo bon-neung-e mat-gin chae
And deep dive
깊이 빠져들어 훅 深陷其中
gi-pi ppa-jyeo-deu-reo huk
Yeah, uh
한여름의 Christmas 盛夏的聖誕
han-yeo-reum-eui Christmas
파도처럼 밀려드는 new romance 波濤洶湧般的新浪漫
pa-do-cheo-reom mil-lyeo-deu-neun new romance
모래 위의 crystal, 너와 dancing 沙灘上的水晶 和你共舞
mo-rae wi-eui crystal, neo-wa dancing
Kiss like you do in French (Mwah)
You’re sticky, 특히 sugary sweet You’re sticky, 特別 sugary sweet
You’re sticky, teu-khi sugary sweet
녹아 버린 ice cream, feel the heat 融化的雪糕 感受到那熱力
no-ga beo-rin ice cream, feel the heat
햇빛 덮인 vanilla 맛 wave 陽光照耀的香草味海浪
haet-bit deo-pin vanilla mat wave
I wanna make it love like a milkshake
My heart’s going wild
주체할 수 없어 into the mood (Into the mood) 無法處理 into the mood (Into the mood)
ju-che-hal su eob-seo into the mood (Into the mood)
네 beautiful smile 你美麗的笑話
ne beautiful smile
난 이대로 crazy over you 我就這樣為你瘋狂
nan i dae-ro crazy over you
Lip gloss, lip gloss (Hey)
I want to taste your lip gloss
Plumping candy, you make it pop
(Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)
Lip gloss lip gloss
붉은 태양 빛 아래 gloss (Hey) 紅色的陽光下gloss (Hey)
bul-geun tae-yang bit a-rae gloss (Hey)
녹아드는 cherry lips, 그 달콤한 red 融化的櫻桃小嘴 那甜蜜的紅色
no-ga-deu-neun cherry lips, geu dal-kom-han red
‘Cause all I want is you
Tropical romance flavor
Say all I want is you
Watermelon strawberry sugar
All I want is your lips on my lips
이 꿈만 같은 끌림에 在這如夢般的吸引下
i kkum-man ga-teun kkeul-li-me
번져 가는 taste 蔓延開的味道
beon-jyeo ga-neun taste
Lip gloss
너의 파도 속에 휩쓸려, fall in love 捲入你的波濤中 Fall in love
neo-eui pa-do sok-e hwip-sseul-lyeo, fall in love (Gweon-nyeo ni-deu po-tao jung)
Thrill ride 나를 이리저리 move, ah (Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh) Thrill ride 將我四處移動 (Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)
Thrill ride na-reul i-ri-jeo-ri move, ah (Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)
Don’t stop
처음 느껴 봐 널 만나, set me free 第一次感受 遇見你 Set me free
cheo-eum neu-kkyeo bwa neol man-na, set me free
Hurry, dizzy, 둘만의 love beach 快速的、暈眩的,專屬兩人的愛情沙灘
Hurry, dizzy, dul-man-ui love beach
흰 파도처럼 up, you’re my milkshake 像白色波濤一樣 你是我的奶昔
huin pa-do-cheo-reom up, you’re my milkshake
한 걸음 더 가까워진 走近多一步
han geo-reum deo gak-ka-wo-jin
환상 같은 view (Into the view) 夢幻般的景色 (Into the view)
hwan-sang ga-teun view (Into the view)
헤어날 수 없이 더 깊이 無法自拔 越陷越深
hee-o-nal su eop-si deo gi-pi
Diving into you
Lip gloss, lip gloss (Hey)
I want to taste your lip gloss
Plumping candy, you make it pop
(Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)
Lip gloss lip gloss
붉은 태양 빛 아래 gloss (Hey) 紅色的陽光下gloss (Hey)
bul-geun tae-yang bit a-rae gloss (Hey)
녹아드는 cherry lips, 그 달콤한 red 融化的櫻桃小嘴 那甜蜜的紅色
no-ga-deu-neun cherry lips, geu dal-kom-han red
‘Cause all I want is you
Tropical romance flavor
Say all I want is you
Watermelon strawberry sugar
All I want is your lips on my lips
이 꿈만 같은 끌림에 在這如夢般的吸引下
i kkum-man ga-teun kkeul-li-me
번져 가는 taste 蔓延開的味道
beon-jyeo ga-neun taste
Lip gloss
Tasty, wavy, glossy, yeah
Summer got me crazy, yeah
휘몰아치는 그 love, huh 席捲而來的愛情, huh
hwi-mol-a-chi-neun geu love, huh
눈부신 감각이 덮쳐 耀眼的感覺襲來
nun-bu-sin gam-gak-i deop-chyeo
헤엄치는 thrill li-li-likin’ it 浮游的 thrill li-li-likin’ it
he-eom-chi-neun thrill li-li-likin’ it
서로에게 더 di-di-divin’ in 彼此更加 di-di-divin’ in
seo-ro-e-ge deo di-di-divin’ in
전율 속에 젖어 든 너 나 沉浸在戰慄中的你我
jeon-yul so-ge jeo-jeo deun neo na
Lip gloss, lip gloss
닿을 듯 내게로 close (Hey) 像要觸碰到般親密 (Hey)
da-eul deut nae-ge-ro close (Hey)
Sweetie, jelly, we make it pop
(Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)
Lip gloss, lip gloss
두 눈부시게 우린 gloss 眼花繚亂的Gloss
du nun-bu-shi-ge u-rin gloss
짙어지는 떨림과 날 향한 red light 悸動加劇 漸進的紅光
jjit-eo-ji-neun ddeol-lim-gwa nal hyang-han red light
‘Cause all I want is you
Tropical romance flavor
Say all I want is you
Watermelon strawberry sugar
All I want is your lips on my lips
이 꿈만 같은 끌림에 在這如夢般的吸引下
i kkum-man ga-teun kkeul-li-me
번져 가는 taste 蔓延開的味道
beon-jyeo ga-neun taste
Lip gloss
‘Cause all I want is you
Bubblegum cherry 맛, glitter 櫻桃口香糖味道, glitter
Bubblegum cherry mat, glitter
Say all I want is you
우리만의 Christmassy summer 只屬於我們的 Christmassy summer
u-ri-man-ui Christmassy summer
달콤하게 넌 lips on my lips 你甜蜜的唇在我的嘴唇上
dal-kom-ha-ge neon lips on my lips
더 완벽해진 summer time 更加完美的夏日
deo wan-byeok-hae-jin summer time
선물 같은 kiss 像禮物一樣的吻
seon-mul ga-teun kiss
Lip gloss
**The Boyz – Lip Gloss 歌詞 轉載請註明出處:KED部落格 https://www.kedblog.com/
The Boyz – Lip Gloss 中文歌詞 單字學習
- 멈추다 (V.) 停止
- 본능 (N.) 本能
- 맡기다 (V.) 交給
- 모래 (N.) 沙灘
- 주체하다 (V.) 處置
- 녹아들다 (V.) 融入
- 끌리다 (V.) 被吸引
- 번지다 (V.) 蔓延
- 휩쓸려들다 (V.) 捲入
- 헤엄치다 (V.) 游泳\
- 전율 (N.) 戰慄
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